The Webster Technique: chiropractic care during pregnancy

"Data collected on pregnant women under chiropractic care showed that women’s emotional well-being and quality of life improved."

“In pregnancy, adjustments provide a double value.  As a mother strengthens her resilience in handling the stress response, her nervous system functions in a greater state of ease.  This directly affects the baby’s developing nervous system as well.”

These are two fantastic quotes from one of my favorite magazines, Pathways to Family Wellness.  And when I think of this magazine and the wealth of knowledge that it provides parents and families and what an impact it has had on my life, I can’t help but think of the woman who had the foresight to create this movement, this shift in consciousness, and to create a way to share the knowledge of chiropractic care with so many people.  Jeanne Ohm was the matriarch of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA); she traveled the world teaching chiropractors (like myself) not only the specifics of the Webster Technique, but also what chiropractic had done for her life as well as her family’s life.  It’s only been a month since the chiropractic community lost this matriarch, but I am able to think about her with every child I adjust and every expectant mom who walks through my door.  Her legacy lives on, and it’s overwhelming to think about how many lives she has impacted. 

So what exactly does chiropractic care during pregnancy look like?  The Webster Technique, as defined by the ICPA is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment used for pregnant women.  The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation/joint dysfunction, and in doing so, neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is facilitated.  Chiropractic adjustments to the pelvis releases tension to the ligaments and uterus, so that the baby can move freely and assume the best possible position for birth.  

Yes!  Chiropractic care is safe and effective during pregnancy and is one of the reasons I became a chiropractor.  My goal is to support women and become a part of their birth support team.  I've worked with moms who wanted a scheduled C-section and moms who wanted an unassisted homebirth.  As the quote above states, chiropractic care during pregnancy has many physical benefits, but also allows mom to function from a state of greater emotional, social, and mental well-being.  In the Purpose of Chiropractic Care in Pregnancy: Mother-Child Connection article in the Pathways to Family Wellness magazine, research is mentioned about how chiropractic care can help build resiliency in our stress response through better heart-rate variability and vagus nerve stimulation.  

There are three components for a smoother birth for mom and baby as mentioned in the article Clarity on the Webster Technique in Pregnancy.  First is POWER: noting how the nervous system controls all the functions of the body including parts of childbirth.  Second is PASSAGE: noting the importance of pelvic alignment and balance for the baby to descend optimally.  Third is PASSENGER: noting how the baby (passenger) wants to be in the best position possible for a smooth labor and delivery.  

Being trained in the Webster Technique is something I'm so thankful for.  And if you remember, I wrote a whole blog post about what a difference it made during my pregnancy, labor, and birth.  I not only received Webster adjustments during my pregnancy, but now I am able to provide that level of care for new and seasoned moms.  And research has shown that in addition to greater emotional, social, and mental well-being, chiropractic care during pregnancy can significantly reduce labor time for women under care throughout their entire pregnancy.  As mentioned in the book Well Adjusted Babies, Dr. Jennifer mentions a study by Dr. Fallon who found that first-time moms under care averaged a 24% shorter labor and moms who had previously given birth averaged a 39% reduction in labor time.  And the benefits don’t stop there.  Dr. Jennifer also mentions another study which found a 50% decrease in the need for painkillers during delivery which was attributable to pre-delivery adjustments.

Some of the most recent studies published in the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal and Family Health Chiropractic include:

Resolution of hip, pubic, and low back pain following chiropractic care in pregnancy,

Resolution of back pain and sleep issues during pregnancy following Webster technique, and

Resolution of low back pain and placenta previa following chiropractic care.

Helping moms achieve the birth that they want by becoming part of their birth support team is such an honor and a blessing.  And as one of my patients recently told me, “every pregnant woman needs a chiropractor”!  I’d have to agree with her!


~Dr. Shannon


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